Sunday, August 30, 2009

Snail - Santa Cruz Rock band - now on CD

Snail now on CDNot photography today, but good old homegrown Rock-n-Roll music from a Santa Cruz band from the 70's.

Ken Kraft and Snail have finally released a remastered CD of their two albums, "Snail" & "Flow" !

A free song is available, so folks who have never heard of Snail can check them out, and CD ordering info can be had here:


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Eagles & Salmon in the Oregon Cascades

A beautiful November day in 2007 at a High Cascades Mountain Lake with Kokanee Salmon spawning up a creek and Eagles feeding heartily!

Gorgeous younger Golden Eagle launching from perch:
Golden Eagle

Pair of spawning Kokanee Salmon in shallow creek with natural watercolor effects:
Kokanee Watercolors

Younger Bald Eagle enjoying the warm sun (in November!):
Bald Eagle

What a day! Special "Thanks!" to my good friend, Pat Windsor ( and his dog, Sage, for the fine company!

Bill Clinton Stumping for Hillary in Bend Oregon

On Monday, March 31st, 2008 - Ex President Bill Clinton graced Central Oregon with a visit while campaigning (stumping) for his wife, Senator Hillary Clinton.

I missed getting into the Bend High School gym by about 50 people, or so. Stood by the back exit with a couple hundred other yahoos, in the freezing cold and wind for almost 3 hrs while it got dark, so flashes were a plenty when ol' Bill paid a very quick homage to the frozen, wiley crowd.

Bill finally exits the gym's back door - just before he shook my (frozen) hand:
Bill Clinton at Bend High School in Central Oregon

Elvis has left the building:
Bill Clinton with Secret Service Agents at Bend High School - Bend, Oregon

Bill stooping down talking to some Bend, Oregon children... "and if you're a good little girl..." (sorry ;)
Bill Clinton talking to Central Oregon children at Bend High School

Well, we don't get out much here in ol' Bend Oregon! But photographing Ex President Bill Clinton was kinda fun. No political agenda for me... just shooting pics!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Spider web-building at night

Photographing insects is a wonderful way to burn some time! I was standing on our daughter's back porch, at night, where a Silver Maple tree's leaves hung near head-level. I turned around and this arachnid almost hit my face.

With my camera just inside, I experimented with the pop-up flash brightness on my Nikon D200 until the subject was "lit just right." The spider (and I'm not sure of the species, but they're all over Eugene/Springfield, Oregon) paid little attention to me as it went about its business of spinning a web.

Welcome JBMockus' Photography Blog!

I love photography, and with the advent of digital cameras, computers, digital image editing, etc., I love taking photos even more! This blog is for my favorite photographs and creative images, and maybe some thoughts on photography in general. I hope you enjoy!